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Advertising agency lets pitch:
RocketPitch 2018

The call for the #RocketPitch was well received. Not only start-ups and traditional Swiss brands, but also international corporations took part in the race for Rocket's creative service package.

The overall winner of the pitch was chosen in a two-stage selection process. In the first round, all 12 Rocket employees voted for their three favorites. The three finalists emerged from this selection - with a clear lead over their competitors and exactly the same number of points. This was followed by an exciting second round of personal presentations at Rocket in Lucerne.

A special story, an innovative product, a unique service and an exceptional corporate culture: the pitch winner Savoy Baur en Ville had all the components we were looking for and was able to prevail against the equally promising projects "Tennis Champagne" and "Funeral Planner".

For the legendary 5-star hotel Savoy Baur en Ville on Paradeplatz, we were allowed to create new key visuals in retro style as part of the #RocketPitch 2018.

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