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Full service: Rocket offers everything

The Rocket Crew is the Swiss army knife of communication: it can do everything and does everything you need. Even pulling corks if necessary. Seriously: well-rehearsed experts with rough edges and all the important skills from communication, creation and web development carve out razor-sharp projects together. This is not only convenient for you, but also super efficient.

Let's get started together right away! You can reach us on +41 41 500 10 10.

Corporate culture - what makes Rocket tick


We are proactive and creative. We guide our customers to their goals in the best possible way, because their success is also our success.


We put together the perfect crew for every client and every project. This is how we develop original and convincing solutions.


Competent and motivated people work at Rocket, and we challenge and encourage them. We work together in a direct, collegial and inspiring way. As a signatory to the Gisler Protocol, we are committed to diversity and equal opportunities.


Switzerland is a democratic country. Nevertheless, our customers are kings and queens to us and their trust is our greatest asset.


Our external partners meet the high quality standards that we expect of them. Our exchanges are characterized by fairness and mutual respect.


The environment is important to us: we conserve resources and act sustainably.

Rocket Boat, team photo