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Career website - Work in Lucerne, Featured image

Career website: The basis of every employee journey

Career website, apprenticeship platform or recruitment website - applicants follow a predominantly digital employee journey. The website is often an early and...

MarTech - Marketing Technology

MarTech: Efficiency thanks to great tools

MarTech concepts and tools support you in effective marketing - a broad field that is constantly changing. In...

AI voices for videos, contribution image

AI voices for videos - the future of voiceover?

AI voices are becoming more and more similar to human voices. One up-and-coming trend that is attracting more and more attention is the use of...

Employer branding, Feature image

Employer branding - finding and retaining good people

Employer branding is the order of the day. In the past, employers were often able to select the best employees from a plethora of...

Advertising games - score points with original marketing

Advertising games are an effective means of advertising and communication because they are particularly emotional. Whether as a card or board game, online, offline or best of all...

SEO search engine optimization, post image

SEO - Search engines as a marketing tool

Do you have a beautiful website with exciting content? And probably also plenty of time and resources (copywriter, photo shoot, video production etc.) in it...

ZHAW Online Research Report Mobilehone/Desktop, Featured image

Online research report: Science made tangible

Research reports often seem dusty - lots of facts, endless scientific texts, hardly any pictures and if there are any, then only diagrams and statistics.

Passionate employee engagement through internal marketing, contribution image

Internal marketing - inspire the team

The once additional "fifth P" (people) is now the most important marketing tool. Without employees, even the classic four marketing instruments (product,...

Explanatory video, Feature image

Explanatory video - ingeniously simple to convey

Explanatory videos are in vogue - and not just according to Google. The new communication tool is rightly very popular with our customers.